Major Announcement

Today’s email is not a devotional. My plan is to do that Mon – Thurs for a few weeks and then Fridays will be my usual Friday email. But this morning I want to tell you to make sure to be at Christ Fellowship Sunday morning if at all possible. Not only will you get a great time of worship as always but this Sunday our church Leadership Team has a big announcement that will literally change the way we do everything at our church. I’m not being dramatic when I say it’s the biggest thing to ever happen to our church and I need you to hear about it in person. So, please, if at all possible, if you care about Christ Fellowship as a member or attender, please be here or at least watch on Facebook or our website. You don’t want to miss it.

I love y’all! — Todd

Fishers of Men Fish Fry

To celebrate another successful Vacation Bible School, Christ Fellowship will be having a church-wide fish fry this coming Sunday right after morning worship time. Everybody is invited and if you want to bring something, you can. But you don’t have to. In honor of the VBS theme of being fishers of men, we thought it appropriate to fry up some fish that has been caught in Lake Bport lately. So, bring something that goes with fish or a dessert or whatever or nothing. Just come on! 

Also, I am excited to start another sermon series this Sunday! 1 Corinthians has so much to teach the church about…well…how to be a church. This Sunday we will start by hearing what God has to say to us through the message of the cross. I love you all and can’t wait to see you this Sunday at 10 and 6! — Todd

Special kind of different or different kind of special?

I don’t know if you would say this weekend at Christ Fellowship is a special kind of different or a different kind of special but it’s gonna be fun and worshipful! Ben Grieser will be bringing the message Sunday morning at 10 and then Sunday night at 6 he will lead us in a special and different all-request sing-along. We have done this before and we know God will be glorified while we have a lot of fun. I can’t wait to see you there! I love you all! — Todd

VBS tomorrow! Yay!

Well, I think we’re ready! All the final details have been attended to. The stockings have been hung with care and cookies and milk have been left for…oh, wait. Well, we’re ready for VBS anyway. And it will be all hands on deck for tomorrow. It actually starts at 9 but some of the teachers should be here by 730 or 8. Y’all try not to wake me up, okay? 🙂

If you want to bring your munchkins, there is no pre-registration. Just bring those little crumb-crunchers a little early and get ’em signed in. The teachers will be teaching about what it means to be fishers of men and the teachers will be taught what it means to herd cats and turtles and why you should be careful about praying for patience. But we wouldn’t miss it for the world!

Our real goal tomorrow is to make sure those little ones hear about the Gospel of Jesus so they can have a relationship with Him. So, even if you can’t be here, would you please be praying for the kids and the teachers tomorrow? Those teachers have prepared for months and months for this weekend just to have this opportunity to tell them about Jesus. Pray that God opens their little hearts and minds.

Then Sunday we continue our focus on being fishers of men and the kids will play a big part in our time of worship as well. You don’t want to miss it! I can’t wait to see them and you here this weekend! It’s gonna be great! I love you all! — Todd

Good stuff coming up at Christ Fellowship!

This coming Sunday at Christ Fellowship should be interesting! We are ending our sermon series on “What We Believe” with a look at stewardship. And I hear ya. “Well, there he goes again, Ethel! Preaching on giving money to the church!” Well, I bet there’s a pretty good chance that you’ve never heard a stewardship sermon put quite like this. I have a little different take on it than most other guys and it’s radically different from most of the preachers you might see on TV.  So, don’t use this as an excuse not to come. It’ll be fun Sunday morning and evening!

Also, there is an important VBS meeting coming up after church, especially for the crafts and games teachers. VBS will be here in no time. It’s the 30th of this month and I can’t wait to teach these little munchkins about becoming fishers of men. I would probably have better luck with that than trying to teach them to be fishers of fish, that’s for sure.

Lastly, there will be an important announcement made after church that will require all of us to spend some important time in prayer. I hope you will be here in person for that since it won’t be on Facebook or the website.

It’s gonna be a good day! I can’t wait to see you. I love you all! — Todd

This weekend at Christ Fellowship

Good morning, dear ones! It’s hotter’n July in Texas around here so I’m trying to get an early start. And I’m so looking forward to the next meeting of our HeMan Woman Haters Club (as Spanky and Alfalfa used to say) or better known as our men’s breakfast. That’s going to be tomorrow morning (Saturday) at 7 am and will include biscuits and gravy, eggs and bacon and sausage and bacon, orange juice, milk, coffee and bacon and more. It’s open to men of any age. There will be nothing but food and fellowship and lots of both. You don’t have to bring anything. Just show up.

VBS is just around the corner (July 30th) and there will be a short VBS workers meeting right after church Sunday. I’ll see y’all there! I love you! — Todd 

End times?

Some of y’all that have been in church for years and years have heard that Jesus is coming back soon. And you keep waiting and waiting and you are beginning to wonder if it’s not similar to the boy who cried wolf. So, are we really in the end times or not? Well, it’s a great question. And I’ll tell you this much and the rest you will have to hear this Sunday when we talk about it more. 2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” And God has promised He is coming back soon and I believe Him. 

I’ll explain why I am more sure of it now than ever before and it makes me excited. 

I’m also excited about seeing you at Christ Fellowship this Sunday morning at 10 and Sunday evening at 6. I’m always glad to see you here and miss you when you aren’t. I love you all! — Todd

Sunday Celebration

Ecclesiastes 3 says, “He (God) has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 12 I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. 13 That each of them may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God.”

When I read that this morning, I thought how appropriate for our celebration of life this Sunday for our dear Janet Hart who went to be with the Lord a few weeks ago. Janet said she wanted food, music and fellowship and so that’s what we will do. So, bring your favorite dish with you this Sunday morning the 26th, and we will have our “typically unusual” morning time of worship and then we will all go over to the Fellowship Hall and have lunch and enjoy some music. And if you would like to share something about what Janet meant to you, you will have that opportunity.

It won’t be as good if you aren’t there so make plans now to be at Christ Fellowship this Sunday. There will be no evening service. I love you all! — Todd

Info you need

Good morning my dear family! I woke up thinking about y’all this morning. Just wishing it was Sunday already. But I have some information you need about Janet Hart’s celebration of life service. It will be Sunday, the 26th, right after the morning service and, as per Janet’s wishes, it will consist of music, food and fellowship. There will be no formal eulogy, just her family and friends recalling special times and fond memories of Janet. So come with your favorite potluck meal and your favorite story of Janet to share both with everybody.

I love you all! — Todd