
So…how’s your prayer life these days? I’m not just asking how often you pray. I’m also asking how often you see your prayers answered as you asked. Of course you pray. Nearly everybody prays sometime. As I said last week, studies show that even atheists pray every now and then. But are your prayers being heard and answered? Are you truly communicating with God or are you just speaking words?

This Sunday, we will search out how Daniel prayed in Daniel chapter 9 and what made his prayers effective. But maybe even Daniel needed a little work when it came to praying. This is a fascinating and very helpful chapter. I hope you will join us at Christ Fellowship this Sunday at 10.

Also, speaking of prayer, it would be good for us all to be praying for the family of Fay Edwards. She was a long-time member here and I just found out she passed away yesterday. The service will be next Friday, the 26th, at Greenwood Burial at Mt. Olivet Cemetary. She was a precious lady and will be missed!

I love you all! — Todd


I plan to ask you a couple of questions this Sunday and I want you to be thinking about your answers. First, if you could have anybody, living or dead, to pray for you, who would it be? Second, for what would you want them to pray? As we start off the new year, it’s important to think about what kind of prayers we should be praying that will be most honored by God and honoring to God. I want to make sure that Christ Fellowship starts off the new year in the right way.

We will also start the new year by eating, of course. I hope you’ll join us as Clay and Ruth Lifto come to visit and so we will have a meal in their honor. It will be potluck because we are good at that, right? I can’t wait to see you! I love y’all! — Todd

Crazy world!

“Back in my day…” When you hear those words, who do you see in your mind? Is it an old, wrinkled shell of a man living in a rest home and using his cane for emphasis as he speaks? Or, is it your not-that-old pastor watching the news and shaking his head?

See, back in my day, we didn’t have boys demanding the right to play girls’ sports because they “identify” as girls.

Back in my day, the school library was the last place you would go to find obscene books or drag queens.

Back in my day, criminals were actually arrested and put in jail, not called heroes and had statues erected in their honor.

Back in my day, politicians who committed crimes were actually fired. They didn’t go on high dollar speaking tours.

Back in my day, the 10 Commandments were posted on the school walls, not flags celebrating lifestyles that God says are offensive.

Is it just me or does the whole world seem to have gone absolutely crazy? Does it seem to you that the world has started calling good evil and evil good? Does everything seem to be upside down nowadays? Well, this Sunday, I plan to give my annual state of the world address. I preached on the “powerful delusion” this world is under last year about this time and I want to show you again what it means for us as Christians to live in these very last times. How should we act and how should we react? Let’s see what scripture says this Sunday at Christ Fellowship.

I can’t wait to see you at 10 am and again at 6 pm! I love you all! — Todd

Good stuff, Fun stuff

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests. (Luke 2)

That’s the message for us this Christmas. Glory to God and peace to us. That’s the combination that just works. If either part of that combo isn’t in place in your life, something is wrong. Give God the glory He deserves and undeserved peace will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4) Don’t let anybody or anything steal that peace this year. I’m praying for you right now that it doesn’t.

Christ Fellowship will be having our “normal” service on Christmas Eve morning this year and a special Christmas Eve evening service that will start at 7:30 pm. We have fun and special worshipful times planned for both services so please make plans to join us for both. Is there something more important than worshiping Jesus during the time we celebrate His birthday?

Speaking of celebrating, Morris has put the latest batch of fun pictures Belinda took at our last couple of celebrations up on our website. Go to Photo Gallery – Christ Fellowship of Wise County ( to see all your pretty faces. Morris has put in a lot of work making our website look nice and informative and we appreciate that! You can watch our services on my Facebook page or on our website, past and present. You can also go to You Tube and watch replays of the sermon at Christ Fellowship Sermons – YouTube.

I love you all and can’t wait to see you Sunday! — Todd

Let’s eat!

Just a reminder that we are having our potluck lunch celebration today (12/17) after morning worship. Please make plans to stay even if you don’t bring anything. There is always plenty!


It says in Matthew 2 that when the Magi saw the star that led them to Jesus that they were overjoyed! Overjoyed to finally see Him. Overjoyed to worship Him. Overjoyed to bring Him their gifts. Even if Christmas is just not really “your thing” or if you are missing somebody or you just don’t feel joyful this time of year because of the commercialization or the stress or the cost, you can still have joy when you come into the presence of Jesus! In fact, you should be overjoyed! Think of all He has done for you; all He has given and all He has taken away. Thank you, Lord! Be joyful and I will see you this Sunday at Christ Fellowship.

Bring your smiling, joyful self to the service this Sunday morning at 10 and afterward we will joyfully have a potluck lunch. I can’t wait! I love you all! — Todd

A Different Look

When you think of Jesus at Christmas time, I bet you think of Him as the tiny, helpless baby in a manger. Nothing wrong with that at all but this Sunday at Christ Fellowship, I want to take a little bit different look at our Savior for Christmas. It’s not your typical Christmas message, but then we aren’t the typical church, are we? 🙂

I can’t wait to see you Sunday at 10! I love you all! — Todd

Amazing things!

Eleven years ago tomorrow, Christ Fellowship had our first formal day of worship there in Lake Bridgeport. A lot has happened since then, to say the least. And this Sunday we are going to celebrate that day and also Thanksgiving which we think is appropriate. I so hope you can join us! We will have our “usual” fun worship time and afterwards we will enjoy a long lunch with lots of stories and fellowship. We will have a couple different kinds of meat provided and if you want to bring a side dish or a salad (if you are into that kinda thing) or maybe a dessert, that will be good but you don’t have to. We always have lots of food. There will be no evening Bible study on Sunday nights through December like we have done in the past.

Joshua chapter 3, verse 5 says, “Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” God has done amazing things among Christ Fellowship and we will gather together this Sunday to show our gratitude to Him. I can’t wait to be with you all! I love you.

— Todd


Philippians 1 says, “I thank my God every time I remember you.” That is truly what I am thankful for today. You. And I would love to know what you are thankful for.

I will see you Sunday at Christ Fellowship. I love you all! — Todd

Things to remember…

Hello my Christ Fellowship family! Because it is Thanksgiving, I want you to remember a couple of things. First, our food pantry is running low again as you can imagine. So, when you are at the store tomorrow or Thursday, please pick up a little something extra. We are pretty well stocked on peanut butter and jelly and mac n cheese but a loaf of bread and a half gallon of milk would be great. Maybe some bologna or other lunchmeat and some sliced cheese. And I’ll be glad to meet you at the church anytime this week to put it up or you can bring it with you Sunday.

Also, remember we are not having Bible study Wednesday night because of the holiday. It will continue the Wednesday after.

And December 3rd is our Thanksgiving / anniversary celebration and we will have a big meal after the worship service. 

I love and appreciate you all! — Todd