Dates to remember

I used to date a girl who was lactose intolerant.

We broke up because she couldn’t stomach my cheesy jokes.

But that’s not the kind of date I wanted to tell you about. Please keep these dates in mind:

May 20th is the Chico Spring Fling and our church will have a booth there. We need some folks who can make cookies or other treats to hand out and… somebody needs to hand them out. 

May 21st is our big Chili Cookoff at the church after the morning service. There will be three amazing prizes awarded. Best Tasting, Spiciest and Most Unusual will be the categories.

And we have a date set for our Vacation Bible School this year. We need all hands on deck for July 15th and 16th as we “Knock on Heaven’s Door”!

I can’t wait to see y’all this Sunday! I love you! — Todd

How should we live?

In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul puts in a nutshell how we should live to make God happy. It’s not a long, drawn-out monologue. It’s pretty plain. It’s to the point. (I know. It’s like, who is the author and what has he done with Paul?!) But I’m glad to know what God wants. Now, doing it is the part that is difficult. Thank you, Holy Spirit, who lives inside of us for your power!

We will talk about this more Sunday morning at Christ Fellowship. So make plans right now to join us at 10 (or so) in the morning and 6 in the evening. You can catch us online at Facebook ((4) Todd Blair | Facebook) or on our website at ( and now on YouTube you can see previous sermons at christ fellowship sermons.

I love you all! — Todd

A Real Church

Is Christ Fellowship a real church? How do you know? If you Google churches in Wise County, our name will pop up but does that make us a church? What does? What does a real church do? What does it look like? How does it run and work? 

The Apostle Paul has a few words to say about that in 1 Thessalonians 1 and we will see half a dozen ways to know if we are a real church by reading that this Sunday morning and evening.

Also, this Sunday, we will have the Lord’s Supper right after the message and then after that, we will go into one of our rare as hen’s teeth business meetings. It will be very short. I promise. I love you and can’t wait to see you at 10 and 6.

— Todd

A Letter to Christ Fellowship

The Apostle Paul wrote lots of letters. We have several of them in scripture. He wrote to various different churches that he had started over the years, sometimes just to encourage, sometimes to scold them for not living right and sometimes to answer their questions. If we got a letter in the mail from ol’ Paul, what do you think he would say to Christ Fellowship? 

I think it would be very similar to the first letter he wrote to the church in Thessalonica. It is a book of encouragement in several ways and includes practical advice for how to live but also what to look forward to as the times get short. We are going to work our way through the book of 1 Thessalonians starting this Sunday, April 16 and I think it will be enjoyable and helpful.

I know you’re busy. I know work demands a lot from you. But when you aren’t in church, you miss out and the church misses out. You are missed when you aren’t there. Yes, YOU! I love you all and can’t wait to see YOU! — Todd

Good Friday

David felt it and prophesied it a thousand years before Jesus was born. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Psalm 22) Maybe you have felt that way too. If you have, it is probably because sin has put a barrier between you and God. But for Jesus there was no sin, not of His own. He had been tempted in every way we are and yet had lived His whole life in absolute purity.

But God the Father said that where there was sin, something had to die. (Heb. 9:22) So, Jesus was obedient to the Father’s plan and sacrificed Himself that Good Friday. For your sin and my sin and the sins of the whole world, Jesus died on that cruel cross. I can’t comprehend the physical pain He suffered but can you imagine the feeling of loneliness and shame He felt taking all those sins on Himself?

In Matthew 27 it records Jesus recalling the words of David from all those years before.

 From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land. 46 About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).

Yes, Sunday is coming. We know the story and it ends gloriously and wonderfully but today on Good Friday, meditate for a while on what Jesus was going through as He paid your price for your sins.

— Todd

What to do this weekend…

Well, it’s finally Friday! Yay! And I know you have a ton of things to do but let me give you a couple of ideas for your free time this weekend. First, don’t watch the news. It will just bum you out. Trust me. 

Secondly, if you are a guy of any age, meet me and a bunch of others at Dos Chiles tomorrow morning for breakfast at 8:30. That’s when they open and they will be prepared for us. This men’s breakfast is open to anybody and the meal is free for everybody. There is no agenda, no speaker, no moral high ground. We just wanna eat and fellowship so bring a friend. [Oops! Too late! Still, it was pretty sweet for the 10 guys who made it. — admin]

Third thing to do this weekend is to read Luke 19:28-44. That’s our text for Sunday morning. It relates to Palm Sunday and I would like for you to read it and meditate on it and think about why God wanted this to be in the Bible. It’s in all four Gospels so it must be important. 

Lastly, show up with the rest of the church Sunday morning. You know you will be better for it and if you aren’t there, you are missed! I love you all, my dear family! — Todd

Busy busy

Let’s see…Brian Amerman is preaching this Sunday (not Ben, as had been reported). Then on April first at 7am, the men of Christ Fellowship will meet for breakfast because…bacon. The next Sunday is Palm Sunday and we will do something special. Then comes Easter (kind of a big deal around here) and we will have a party in the park after church. That’ll be fun! I’m looking at my calendar and right after that I have a dentist appointment but y’all don’t need to be there for that. Then, before you know it we will be having Vacation Bible School. There is a lot going on. Everybody is busy. 

But Jesus said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.” (Matt. 6:33) Remember that as you go about your day today and for the days ahead. We are seeking, searching and finding out what God wants for us as individuals and for our church. 
I love you all and can’t wait to see you Sunday! — Todd

Prayer Secrets

Do you believe God hears our prayers? Do you believe God answers our prayers? I have a pretty good idea of your answers and yet, why does it seem like so many of our prayers “don’t work”? Prayer is so simple. It is just talking to God, right? Then why does it seem so hard sometimes? Prayer is one of those things that a small child can do and yet an old, mature prayer warrior can still learn a lot about.

This Sunday at Christ Fellowship, we are going to look at an ancient book in scripture that tells us a lot about the right way to pray, the secret of prayer, if you will. Then, Sunday night we are actually going to put it into practice as we have a good, old-fashioned prayer meeting, albeit with our own spin on it. I really want to encourage you to be here Sunday morning and Sunday night. You will be glad you did and satan won’t like it at all. I love you all! — Todd

If I were God…

If I were God (and let’s all say Amen that I’m not!)  I would do things a little differently. In fact, I would do things a lot differently. Mexican food would be diet food. Fish would be easier to catch. And being short, fat and bald would be considered attractive. But since I’m not God, (and that’s probably best) I want to know God. I want to know what He wants and what He likes and what He considers right. I want to be what He wants me to be. And I especially want to know what it takes to be accepted into His holy Heaven.

People have always had their own ideas about what it takes to get to Heaven. And sometimes what they come up with makes a lot of sense. But since God’s ways are higher than our ways, I want to know what He wants. He makes the rules and being obedient to rules that aren’t His doesn’t make you right. 

This Sunday at Christ Fellowship, we will see what the rules are as found in the book of Job. We are concluding our study of Job with a look at what Job thought, what his friends thought and what God thinks. I think you’ll find it helpful. I can’t wait to see you Sunday morning at 10 and Sunday evening at 6! I love you all! — Todd


I just have one message for you today: if you really want one, pray for revival. That’s it. That’s the message.

I love you all and can’t wait to see you at Christ Fellowship this Sunday at 10 am and 6 pm! — Todd