
Questions, questions, questions. We all have ’em. Were the dinosaurs on the ark? Do all dogs really go to Heaven? How can the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all be God and yet be one? What’s the secret recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken? All good questions and yet we may never know the answers this side of Heaven.

The Book of Job answers a lot of questions but may bring up even more questions than it answers. I think that is part of why it is so fascinating. We don’t know exactly when, where, or by whom it was written or even what language it was written. And the main question Job asks through the whole book is not definitively answered. 

But we have started on a journey at Christ Fellowship to see if we can find some answers to our own grief, depression, and anger from what Job did right and what he did wrong. Can we truly know God? Will we really see God face to face in Heaven? Why does God allow so much suffering? What is the true Gospel? I believe we can learn the answers God wants us to learn about these questions by studying this book.

I can’t wait to see you as we continue through this! And the Sunday night sessions are going to be great! Don’t miss it or you will be missed! I love y’all!
– Todd

This weekend!

The Bible says that after God created Eve “He brought her to the man. And Adam said, ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.’ . . . Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:22-24).

And 30 minutes later they had the world’s first argument.

Everybody needs some help in their marriage. Nobody is perfect so no marriage is perfect. Marriage is satisfying and frustrating, and they all could be a little better.

Please join us at Christ Fellowship in Chico (407 W. Kentucky) this weekend for “Compass Course: Pathway to a Godly Marriage.” This amazing and biblical look at marriage will be led by our friends Jody and Trisha Kennedy and is open to anybody. It will be beneficial if you are married, want to be or know somebody who is.

It will be Saturday (tomorrow Feb 4th) from about 10-3 and then Sunday morning at 10. Lunch will be provided Saturday so please let us know you are coming. And best of all, it’s completely FREE!

I can’t wait to see y’all there! I love you all! — Todd


Genesis 2:24 says, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”

God invented marriage. It was His idea from the beginning. And when done according to His rules, He blesses it. So, why is it so hard to make a marriage work? Join us this Sunday at Christ Fellowship as we continue our look at Song of Songs to see what those two lovebirds did to keep it fresh. And then next Saturday and Sunday is our marriage conference. Have you signed up yet? It’s free and will be invaluable to helping your marriage.

I can’t wait to see you Sunday morning at 10! I love y’all! — Todd

Marriage Seminar!

Hello to my Christ Fellowship family! I have something to share with you that I am very excited about. I don’t know about you but Valentine’s Day is not big on my list of holidays to celebrate. And our church won’t be having any kind of Valentines party this year but this coming February 4 and 5, we will have a marriage seminar called “Compass Course: Pathway to a Godly Marriage.” Yes, it will be geared to the love between married couples but is applicable to all of us no matter the relationship status. If you are married, want to be married or know somebody who is…this will be helpful to all.

The really good news is it will be conducted by Jody and Trisha Kennedy who are longtime friends of our church and missionaries that we support. They have been married for a thousand years and have seen all the ups and downs a couple could ever imagine. Add in professional training and years of experience in teaching and I promise you won’t be disappointed.

The training will be from about 10-3 on Saturday the 4th and will continue as part of our worship on Sunday as Jody preaches. We will have lunch provided on Saturday and the whole thing is absolutely free. If you want to show some financial appreciation to the Kennedys, you can Sunday morning but you absolutely don’t have to. Our church supports them and they are glad and excited to do this for our church.

We would like to get a head-count so we know how much food to provide so please let me know if you plan to attend on Saturday. If you have questions or suggestions, please let me know. I love you all and can’t wait to see you!

— Todd

End Times Study

This Sunday at Christ Fellowship we will continue our study on how to know if we are in the end times. And let me put it this way, on the off chance we are not raptured between now and 10 am Sunday morning, we will see Jesus prophecy that He is coming soon! And I’m ready! Come, Lord Jesus, come! Are you ready? What if it were today? Are you living like it could be? We will talk more about it Sunday morning and evening.

Also, our bookkeeper, Cindy, has asked that if you want your tithe and offering amount for tax purposes to call or text her. Let me know if you don’t have her number.

Lastly, Ben mentioned last week about a mashup of songs between whales and stars. Yep, whales and stars! Well, several have asked so I am attaching a link to the video to this email. Okay, you know what would be much easier? If you just google “whales and stars”. It comes right up. 🙂

I love you all very much and appreciate all you do! — Todd

New Year at Christ Fellowship

I went searching online for a good quote for New Years. I found plenty of quotes. That wasn’t a problem. Lots of people have a lot to say about a new year coming in. It’s just that most of them are absolutely useless and forgettable. Like this one from Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.” What does that even mean? How do I do that and why would I do that? That’s just dumb. Sorry.

Let me give you a quote of my own. It’s not exactly original, I guess. But it’s been going through my head for a while. It goes like this. “Jesus is coming back soon. Live like it!”

That’s what we are going to be studying starting this New Year’s Sunday morning. Are we in the End Times? How do we know? What does it look like and how she would be living if we are? I can’t wait to see you! I love you all! — Todd


Christmas Sunday

A few weeks ago, my sister texted me and asked if we were having church on Christmas Sunday. I answered back asking if that was a serious question. She said it was because her church had decided to cancel their service for the day. Because it was Christmas. To me that doesn’t make any more sense than canceling because it’s Sunday. But that’s just my opinion and I understand if you can’t be at Christ Fellowship this Sunday for whatever reason. But if you have relatives coming in, what would be better than bringing them to church? Our service will be slightly streamlined so you will have plenty of time to cook. And what is Christmas really about other than worshipping Jesus?

And that’s the plan and the only plan for this Sunday Christmas morning. Yes, we will talk about Wise Men and kings and priests and golf balls but our one and only focus will be right where it should be. On Jesus. I hope you join us this Sunday at 10 am. There will be no evening services until January 8. I love you all and miss you when you aren’t here. — Todd

Fun Stuff, Good Stuff

Are you feeling a little blah this Christmas? Maybe you need a boost mentally, physically or spiritually. Well, Dr. Todd has the answer! Come one, come all to the caroling we at Christ Fellowship have planned for tomorrow, Saturday at 3 pm. Now, if you are wondering how that is supposed to make you feel better, let me site the evidence. 

Singing Christmas carols together more than just tradition, it’s also good for you! – Study Finds

This website explains that caroling and other singing together is good for your mind, body and spirit. “Singing together increases the feel-good hormone oxytocin and improves mood, Group singing also has psychosocial benefits for people living with a range of health conditions. Such benefits include building resilience, enhancing mood, creating a sense of belonging and purpose, improving quality of life, and promoting flourishing and wellbeing.” So, come on and promote your flourishing! 🙂 We will start decorating the trailer about 1 pm at the church. I show a high of 51 with a very light breeze and plenty of sun so it’ll be a perfect day. We will drive around Chico and make sure folks know we are here. I can’t wait!

Then Sunday we will see how we really can relate to Christmas this year. And when you aren’t here, you are missed. I’ll see you Saturday and Sunday! I love you all! –Todd

Big Day Coming…

(Read this in your best Monster Truck announcer voice.)

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday Come one, come all! It’s the biggest little church in Wise County’s 10th anniversary and you are invited to celebrate with us! There will be fun for all ages! Worship! Stories, testimonies and food! All free, no reservation required!

(Okay, you can read the rest in whatever voice you want.)

This Sunday, the 11th, is when we are celebrating our anniversary and Christmas with a very special time of testimonies about our time here at Christ Fellowship and what God has done in these past 10 years. We will have a fairly typical service in the morning at 10 and when that is over, we will have a catered meal provided for you at no charge. When that is over, we will have another time of worship and testimonies and fun and I just can’t wait.

Our own Trina Perry is going to cook pot roast with all the fixins and even cherry cobbler for dessert. So, you don’t have to bring anything. You don’t have to sign up. All you have to do is be there. Our Heavenly Father has been so good to this church and we want to celebrate that and have fun while making Him look good! So, I really hope that if you see this message and you have ever had anything to do with our church, that you will help us celebrate the day. 

Bam and I will see you there! Love, Todd

Happy Anniversary and more

Ten years ago today, a remnant from First Baptist Church of Runaway Bay crossed over the Jordan River (Hwy 380) and settled in the land of milk and honey there in Lake Bridgeport. We changed our name, our attitude and our church and became Christ Fellowship. We consecrated ourselves and God has done amazing things amongst us. All these years later, when few thought our church would continue to exist, we have re-settled once again in beautiful Chico, still Christ Fellowship, still consecrating ourselves and still seeing God do amazing things amongst us.

We will officially celebrate our anniversary on the 11th with lots of stories, testimonies, worship and, of course, a meal. If you are seeing this notification, you are invited to join us for this big day. You are a part of our church family in some way, even if you aren’t a church member and we would love to have you celebrate God’s goodness with us. It will be a day to focus like a laser on God and His goodness and generosity to our church so, please come. The meal will be catered and no charge to anybody. The worship will be good and the stories will be funny! So, plan now to be at Christ Fellowship on December 11th at 10 am.

This coming Sunday, the 4th, we will see why we celebrate Christmas and why it is still so relevant to us today. Our Christmas tree has been set up but, as of last night, only has one ornament so bring an ornament to hang that represents your family on our church family Christmas tree. I can’t wait to see you! I love you all! — Todd