What is Love?

When I ask the question, “What is love?” a vague lyric from a cheesy 80’s pop song comes to mind. Sorry if that happens to you. But I think it’s an important question. The world – TV, movies, internet, books, friends – says love is all kind of things. And when we say “love” we could mean different things. I love peanut butter but I also love Christ Fellowship. Those are different kinds of love. But the kind of love God has for us is special. And because He loves us, our church can and should be known for a love of people that is unlike the kind of love the world knows.

Let’s talk more about this Sunday morning and Sunday night. It’ll be fun. It always is. I can’t wait to see you! I love you all more than peanut butter!

— Todd


Devoted: to be extremely loyal.

That definition of devoted is honestly not very helpful. We know what “devoted” means, right? But according to that definition, I could be devoted to just about anything. I am devoted to Peter Pan brand peanut butter. I am devoted to Fords over Chevys. I’m devoted to getting drunk on Saturday nights. None of those do the word justice. Besides, we all know Jif, Kia and Dr. Pepper are better choices.

This Sunday at Christ Fellowship we will discuss what we as a church are to be devoted to and what that means. And if you ever wonder what our church is really good for, this is the Sunday to find out. I can’t wait to see you there! I love you! — Todd

Matthew 28

The very last thing Jesus told His disciples (and us) to do before He left this earth bodily was to go and make disciples. Are you doing that? Do you even know what that means or what it looks like? You will have that opportunity this Sunday morning and Sunday night at Christ Fellowship. Yeah, I know there is some sort of sporting event that is supposed to come on Sunday evening. (Go team.) But that’s why they make recorders for TV shows now. I can’t wait to see you! I love you all! — Todd


Sometimes I hear people say things like, “Don’t judge me. Only God can judge me.” And I think God is probably saying, “Yep.”

Do you ever wonder what that is going to be like? Is there really a judgment for everybody? Or just the really bad people. Do Christians get judged too? Should we be scared? 

Let’s talk more about this on Sunday at Christ Fellowship. Most folks that were sick are feeling better. But if you don’t feel well, please stay home and watch us online either on Facebook, our website or You Tube.




I was explaining the Gospel of Jesus to some kids at VBS last year and I asked them how many of them wanted to go to Heaven. They all raised their hands. Then I asked, “So, what do you have to do to get there?” And a little boy raised his hand and shouted out, “Be dead!”

I guess he’s not wrong. That is definitely part of it. But the Bible teaches us that we will actually be more alive than ever before when we get to Heaven. It will be a place of worship and awe but also adventure and fun. We know there will be no more tears or sorrow or pain. And that sounds pretty good right about now, doesn’t it?

Colossians 3 tells us to set our minds on things above (Heaven) so we will do that this Sunday at Christ Fellowship, morning and evening. I really hope that if you are reading this (and it didn’t go to spam) that you will consider joining us. It just makes all the difference when you are there. We love you and miss you when you are gone.

Did you hear about the lawyer, the senator and the used car salesman that died and went to Heaven? Oh, never mind. That one is too unbelievable.

Cya Sunday ya hoodlum! — Todd


So…how’s your prayer life these days? I’m not just asking how often you pray. I’m also asking how often you see your prayers answered as you asked. Of course you pray. Nearly everybody prays sometime. As I said last week, studies show that even atheists pray every now and then. But are your prayers being heard and answered? Are you truly communicating with God or are you just speaking words?

This Sunday, we will search out how Daniel prayed in Daniel chapter 9 and what made his prayers effective. But maybe even Daniel needed a little work when it came to praying. This is a fascinating and very helpful chapter. I hope you will join us at Christ Fellowship this Sunday at 10.

Also, speaking of prayer, it would be good for us all to be praying for the family of Fay Edwards. She was a long-time member here and I just found out she passed away yesterday. The service will be next Friday, the 26th, at Greenwood Burial at Mt. Olivet Cemetary. She was a precious lady and will be missed!

I love you all! — Todd


I plan to ask you a couple of questions this Sunday and I want you to be thinking about your answers. First, if you could have anybody, living or dead, to pray for you, who would it be? Second, for what would you want them to pray? As we start off the new year, it’s important to think about what kind of prayers we should be praying that will be most honored by God and honoring to God. I want to make sure that Christ Fellowship starts off the new year in the right way.

We will also start the new year by eating, of course. I hope you’ll join us as Clay and Ruth Lifto come to visit and so we will have a meal in their honor. It will be potluck because we are good at that, right? I can’t wait to see you! I love y’all! — Todd

Crazy world!

“Back in my day…” When you hear those words, who do you see in your mind? Is it an old, wrinkled shell of a man living in a rest home and using his cane for emphasis as he speaks? Or, is it your not-that-old pastor watching the news and shaking his head?

See, back in my day, we didn’t have boys demanding the right to play girls’ sports because they “identify” as girls.

Back in my day, the school library was the last place you would go to find obscene books or drag queens.

Back in my day, criminals were actually arrested and put in jail, not called heroes and had statues erected in their honor.

Back in my day, politicians who committed crimes were actually fired. They didn’t go on high dollar speaking tours.

Back in my day, the 10 Commandments were posted on the school walls, not flags celebrating lifestyles that God says are offensive.

Is it just me or does the whole world seem to have gone absolutely crazy? Does it seem to you that the world has started calling good evil and evil good? Does everything seem to be upside down nowadays? Well, this Sunday, I plan to give my annual state of the world address. I preached on the “powerful delusion” this world is under last year about this time and I want to show you again what it means for us as Christians to live in these very last times. How should we act and how should we react? Let’s see what scripture says this Sunday at Christ Fellowship.

I can’t wait to see you at 10 am and again at 6 pm! I love you all! — Todd

Good stuff, Fun stuff

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests. (Luke 2)

That’s the message for us this Christmas. Glory to God and peace to us. That’s the combination that just works. If either part of that combo isn’t in place in your life, something is wrong. Give God the glory He deserves and undeserved peace will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4) Don’t let anybody or anything steal that peace this year. I’m praying for you right now that it doesn’t.

Christ Fellowship will be having our “normal” service on Christmas Eve morning this year and a special Christmas Eve evening service that will start at 7:30 pm. We have fun and special worshipful times planned for both services so please make plans to join us for both. Is there something more important than worshiping Jesus during the time we celebrate His birthday?

Speaking of celebrating, Morris has put the latest batch of fun pictures Belinda took at our last couple of celebrations up on our website. Go to Photo Gallery – Christ Fellowship of Wise County (christ-fellowship.church) to see all your pretty faces. Morris has put in a lot of work making our website look nice and informative and we appreciate that! You can watch our services on my Facebook page or on our website, past and present. You can also go to You Tube and watch replays of the sermon at Christ Fellowship Sermons – YouTube.

I love you all and can’t wait to see you Sunday! — Todd

Let’s eat!

Just a reminder that we are having our potluck lunch celebration today (12/17) after morning worship. Please make plans to stay even if you don’t bring anything. There is always plenty!