Coming up at Christ Fellowship

Here’s a question for you that has been wandering the wastelands of my brain lately. How would Jesus celebrate Christmas? Every year, we all say, “Christmas has gotten too commercialized.” Right? And every year it gets a little more commercialized. So, just saying that it is commercialized doesn’t seem to be helping. And since we sometimes ask, “What would Jesus do?” I am asking how would Jesus celebrate Christmas? I thought about making up a bunch of rubber wristbands that say “HWJCC” but I will just ask y’all. I really don’t know the answer. But I would love to hear back from you with your thoughts and then later on, maybe next month, we will discuss it at church.

However He would celebrate, I don’t think it would be with meetings and parties every other day to the point the holidays are just stressful and dreaded. I bet He would make a wonderful mac n cheese but I doubt He would want to make it five times over the holidays. So, we at Christ Fellowship also want to make it simple for you. We are combining our 11th anniversary party with our Thanksgiving party on December 3rd. It will be a meal after church Sunday morning. And then December 17th we will have another after-worship meal that Sunday as well. That’s it. No stress. You don’t even have to bring anything if you don’t want. We always have plenty. You will hear more about these meals as we get closer, of course.

Also, this coming Sunday, we will answer, at least in part, the question of, why is this world just so mad right now? Riots and protests and violence and crime through the roof. What’s going on in our world today? Well, it seems the ancient prophet Jeremiah has been watching the news around here lately and has a word for us about just that. I can’t wait to see you. If you aren’t here, you will be missed! I love you all! — Todd

2 Big things going on…

Good morning, Christ Fellowship! Just want to remind you of two big things going on this weekend that will affect you. First, this is time change weekend. Be sure to set your clocks back an hour.

Also, this is our Packing Party Sunday for Operation Christmas Child and we still need lots of stuff donated for our shoeboxes. The party will be Sunday night at 6. Bring munchies or drinks and we will set everything out and have a good time filling those boxes. Also, remember that those boxes cost $10 to ship so if you would like to just pay shipping, that would be a great help as well.

I can’t wait to see you! I love you all! — Todd


Everyone needs recognition for his accomplishments, but few people make the need known quite as clearly as the little boy who said to his father: “Let’s play darts. I’ll throw and you say ‘Wonderful!'” 

Sometimes we all just need a little encouragement, don’t we? Well, that’s part of what we are going to do this Sunday at Christ Fellowship. We will have genuine worship. We will have needed fellowship. We will minister to each other. We will laugh and sing. We will approach the throne of God’s grace with reverence and confidence. And we will all be encouraged by scripture. The Bible is full of encouragement and this Sunday we will focus on that.

Oh! Then! And then! Sunday night is game night! Whoo hoo!

I love y’all and can’t wait to see you! — Todd

Coming up at CF

These are busy days at Christ Fellowship but, as always, we are mindful to not add too much to the schedule. But please note these upcoming fun things at the smallest mega-church in Chico.

Tomorrow, Saturday the 21st, is Chicofest on the square. We will start setting up about 8:30. We have some tables and chairs and an awning and some other stuff that needs to be put out. We’re in our usual spot on the corner. We always have fun at these and I hope you will come support your church. You don’t have to stay the whole time, of course. Just come by for a little while and stay as long as you want.

Sunday the 29th at 6pm is our church game night. Bring some munchies or drinks and any games you like. Starts at 6 and lasts til the cops come or we get tired, I guess.

The Operation Christmas Child packing party is coming up very soon. It is Sunday night, November 5th at 6 pm. We still need lots of almost everything. Dollar Tree is great for getting that kind of stuff. If you wonder what can be packed and what can’t, go here to find out: How to Pack a Shoebox (  Remember, each box costs $10 to ship so if you would rather just donate money than go shopping, that’s perfectly fine and good.

And lastly (for now) our Christ Fellowship Anniversary party is Sunday, December 3rd. We will have a covered dish dinner right after the morning worship time and we will have plenty of time to tell stories and share what God is doing and has done in the life of our church. It’s always fun!

I can’t wait for Sunday! You need the church and the church needs you so I will see you there. I love you all! — Todd

Friday post, Saturday edition:

There is a lot to do. There always is. Work, school, hobbies, family. It’s all important. Most all of it is good and even necessary. And we are told to do everything as if we were doing it to the Lord. So, if we have to do all these things and do them well, we better hustle, right? We better get up early and stay up late working, working, working. Uh oh, somebody is doing it better than us. Better work harder. Try harder. Do more.

That’s not what God says. He says to “Be still and know that I am God.” (Ps. 46:10) Just stop for a while. Chill out. Let your hands hang down and quit trying to do it all and fix it all and be all. In fact, He is so concerned that you stop working so hard that He set aside one day every week for you to keep holy, separate and different so that your mind and body and spirit can just rest and re-focus on Him, the giver of all life and energy. 

Stop what you are doing. Read Psalm 46. I’ll see you Sunday morning at 10 and then that evening at 6. I love you all! — Todd

Sheep, not cattle

In this world of automated, computerized, faceless, compassion-less, brainless interactions with large companies doing anything to save a dollar, it was rewarding and comforting to read something this morning written by pastor Chuck Swindoll. He recognized that feeling of being treated like cattle in today’s society and how easy it would be to feel like “you are not important. You are an anonymous individual – only one among thousands. Therefore, no one really notices, needs or cares about you.” What a horrible way to feel.

But Swindoll points out that God’s Word offers a different perspective – the perspective of how God sees us as His precious sheep. In Luke 15, it says, “Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ 7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”

Maybe you need to hear that today like I did. And just know that God, the Creator of the universe, loves you. Your church, Christ Fellowship, loves you. And I love you and can’t wait to see you Sunday!

— Todd

Lots going on…

I know. You’re busy. Everybody is busy. School, work, practice, birthdays 😉 I get it. We’re all busy. And there is always something going on at Christ Fellowship. We have a coat drive for the school kids, the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes we are building (Packing Party Nov. 5th), a game night coming up October 29th, the food pantry, the Conquer video series on Tuesday nights, helping the lady move tomorrow, plus church and Bible study Sundays and Wednesdays. It’s a lot, I know. Not to mention, the holidays will be here in like 30 minutes.

While all that is important, there is the most vital issue of your relationship with God through His Son Jesus. We can do all the things we need to do and forget the most important. And I know that you know this. I’m just giving you a gentle reminder that your priorities are proven by your actions. If you are a member of our church, you are a part of the body. 1 Corinthians 12 says all the parts of the body need to be doing what they are gifted to do. That is important, not just for your growth but for the growth of all the other parts as well.

So, when I say that you need the church and the church needs you, that is what I mean. And your priorities are proven by your actions. I love you all and really can’t wait to see you Sunday! It’s gonna be fun! 

— Todd

One year

Isaiah 43 tells us to forget the former things because God is doing a new thing in our lives. He is making a way where we have never been before. Change can be scary but there is great peace in being obedient to what God calls us to do. And Christ Fellowship knows that very well. One year ago today was our last day in Lake Bridgeport and it was a scary time. But look how God has provided. Almost everybody made the move over to Chico with us and since then we have gained new members and we continue to have guests as members tell friends and co-workers about our church. We have seen new believers. We have made new friends and had more opportunities to minister through our food pantry than ever before. We continue ministering to the poor, the addicted and the incarcerated like we always have and God continues to bless and protect.

So, Sovereign Lord, we continue to give you our church as your bride. We continue to give you our time and talents and treasure. We continue to try to make you look good in everything we do and say and ask, God, that you would help us to give you all the glory for all the good things you do for us. And, Lord, in the days to come that are scary and uncertain, we trust you because you have proven yourself to be trustworthy! Over and over, year after year, you protect and provide and we just want to say thank you and we love you! In Jesus’ name, Amen

— Todd

Conquer Series

Men of Christ Fellowship, our Conquer Series begins this evening at the church at 7 pm. What is it? The Conquer Series is a powerful cinematic video study that is changing the lives of men by the 1000’s. It’s a 5-part video series and each one lasts about an hour. The host is Dr. Ted Roberts who was a Marine fighter pilot and brings his knowledge of combat to helping men combat addictions like porn. I highly encourage every man over the age of about 12 to not miss any of these videos. It may not be appropriate for younger men or for women but we are working on another video series already that will be appropriate.

Tonight is the first night of 5 weeks that you can invest in not just helping yourself but other men who might not be as strong when it comes to sexual temptation. Just by coming to these is in no way saying that you have a problem but it says that you want to be able to help somebody that does. It’s just for guys so come relaxed, smoke a cigar, scratch, whittle, whatever you want. (Ok, maybe don’t smoke in the building.) I can’t wait to see you there.


Lots coming up…

Okay, I’m going to give you the text for the message this Sunday at Christ Fellowship. And I’m going to tell you some of what it means. This way you don’t even have to show up for church this Sunday! Right? There is absolutely no reason to even get out of bed this Sunday…well, except that the Bible tells us to meet together. You have a responsibility. It is part of the sanctification process we are all called to go through. And you would be missed. And you would miss it. But other than that, don’t worry about it.

Anyway, here is the test from 1 John 2:29. If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who does what is right has been born of Him.” Part of what that means is that a true believer in and follower of Jesus will do righteous (right) things. Let me give you some examples of righteous things you can do coming up at Christ Fellowship.

Tomorrow morning (Saturday, 9/9) Victoria is moving from one apartment to another and she needs help. She doesn’t have a lot of stuff or a lot of heavy stuff and she isn’t moving far. We will start at 10 am tomorrow at 1709 Edgewood Dr. #304 in B’port. Pickup trucks will be helpful.

Tuesday, September 12 at 7pm, we start our Conquer video series helping men stay away from addictive temptations like porn and other problems. This will be every Tuesday night for just 5 weeks and is a powerful tool that you can use whether you have a problem or you know of somebody that does. 

Feel free to start bringing items for our Operation Christmas Child emphasis. Our packing party will be November 5th and you can find out more info about what can go into the boxes here: How to Pack a Shoebox (

Lastly, we are going to have some fun filling up our food pantry this Sunday. We are asking everybody to bring something for the pantry that starts with the first letter of your first name. For instance, I haven’t decided if I am going to bring tuna or tarts or tapioca or maybe tiger tears. Just not sure at this point but you get it. Now go get it and bring it to church Sunday morning. It’ll be fun AND righteous.

I love you all! — Todd