Friday post (rare Saturday edition)

In the second chapter of Acts, it says that the first church “gave to anyone as he had need.” That first church was the model for how all churches should be and how our church wants to be. Christ Fellowship has always reminded me of that early church and never more so than when somebody says that we are the church that helps people.

Well, we have the opportunity to that again and again right now and more coming soon. Almost every day this week, our food pantry has been utilized. I get asked pretty often if people are abusing that resource and I have to say no. Years ago there were some that probably took too much advantage of us but I just don’t see it anymore. It is somebody different every time and most of them are so very grateful and they hate to ask but are desperate. We understand that and are glad to help. Y’all have been very generous with that and it is very much appreciated. Be watching for more emphasis on this coming soon.

We also have the opportunity to start a coat drive for Chico school kids coming up soon. Our annual Operation Christmas Child emphasis is coming right up and we always enjoy that. I’ll have more copies of our jail ministry list this Sunday. And there will be some other opportunities to “give to anyone as they have need.” And all of this is why God has called us to minister specifically to the poor, the addicted and the incarcerated. We can’t help everybody but we can help those God has given to us. Thank you, Christ Fellowship, for doing that. It makes God look good!

I love you all and I can’t wait to see you this Sunday at 10 and 6.

— Todd

Food Pantry

Just letting y’all know our Christ Fellowship food pantry is seeing more action than ever before. We have had people use it several times every week here lately and it is down to almost nothing. The big movers are bread, milk, eggs, lunchmeat, hot dogs, peanut butter and jelly, etc. We have plenty of mac n cheese for now but anything that doesn’t require a lot of cooking is always good. Thanks so much! Y’all rock! 

PS Was Sunday just a lot of fun or what???

— Todd


So, why get baptized? Does it save you? Does it cleanse you of sin? Is it what you do to stay cool in this weather? No, no and no. Baptism is an outward expression of an inward decision. It is a symbolic way of identifying with Jesus; of making known to God and to the world that you are now a follower of Jesus. It symbolizes His death, burial and resurrection and shows that we are new creatures ready to live a new life.
Romans 6:4 says, “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”

We get to witness the wonderful ordinance of baptism this Sunday at Christ Fellowship. I hope you will be here to support Preston and his family and our church family as we do. I can’t wait to see you! I love you all! — Todd

Christ Fellowship stuff

Isaiah 32:18 says, “My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.” I am so thankful to God for providing me a place to live. I have been a little unsettled for many months but I now have a place that is “peaceful, secure and quiet,” well, except for all the 18-wheelers going up and down 1810! I am still getting settled in but I know so many of you stored some of my stuff when we left Lake Bridgeport. If I have anything in your possession, please let me know and I will get it. And I am so grateful for all of you that helped in that way as well as those who have helped get me moved in. I sure love Christ Fellowship and all my friends!

This Sunday morning we have a guest speaker preaching. Dr. Clay Lifto will give us a word of wisdom and peace for our church as he and dear Ruth are leaving our church to be closer to family. I can’t remember. Missouri, Kansas, Michigan, somewhere up north. I understand it but I hate that they are leaving and it will leave a big hole in our church family.

But we want to show them how much we love and will miss them AND how much we like to eat by having a church lunch this Sunday right after our worship time. A big, nice roast has been provided but if you would like to bring a side or bread or dessert, that would be great. But don’t feel like you have to. We always have plenty of food so if you can’t or forget, please stay and eat with us. There will be no evening service Sunday night.

I can’t wait to see you! I love you all! — Todd

This weekend

Jesus said, “For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” (Matthew 12) So, I say to you, Christ Fellowship, good morning my dear family! I hope you are cool enough. If you or someone you know are not staying cool enough, please let me know and we will see how we can help.

Speaking of help, Clay and Ruth Lifto need a few strong hands and backs to help them move some boxes into a truck tomorrow (Saturday) morning starting about 10. It’s not a lot and it’s not real big or heavy stuff. Most of you know they are moving and we hate to lose them! But they need to be closer to their kiddos and we understand that.

Also, we are having a “See ya later” lunch for them after church next Sunday, the 13th. A roast will be provided so all we need to do is bring some sides and salads and some desserts.

If you want to help tomorrow morning, the Lifto’s address is 119 Hauser Ct in Runaway Bay.

I love you all and can’t wait to see you Sunday! — Todd


In our church bulletin on Sunday mornings at Christ Fellowship, we always have what we call “Testify” time. This is so anybody and everybody can give God glory for what He has done in their lives. Psalm 117:1–2 says, “Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD.”

And sometimes I like to ask that question in my Friday email which is what I’m doing now. Please respond with what you are grateful to God for doing in your life. Has He given you something? Or maybe He took something away. Is He teaching you something? Maybe He has put someone in your life to teach you something. I’d love to hear about it.

For me, He has answered prayer and my house in Chico is done enough I can move in and I am very grateful to God for providing! There are still some small things that need to be finished but I’m going to start the process tomorrow (Saturday). If you would like to help, I would appreciate it. Nearly all of it is in the shed on the property and just needs to be cleaned up and walked in the door. Don’t feel like you have to help at all. My point is just to give God the glory for allowing me to get this far. He is very good to me!

I love you all and can’t wait to see you Sunday as we continue looking specifically at the Lord’s Prayer. See you then! — Todd

Ephesians 6 again…

Well, Vacation Bible School was a raging success in my opinion. We had lots of kids, some good responses and everybody pitched in and worked really hard. Thank you again to all the teachers and helpers who worked so hard to make it all happen. That’s good stuff!

We also have had quite a few of you to make VERY generous donations to our food pantry and we have helped more people here lately than usual. I wish y’all could be here to see how grateful people are to get some good food with no strings attached. I’m afraid there are people in our community who would have literally gone hungry if not for our food pantry. So, thank y’all for donating!

We have also had several first-time visitors lately who will probably be back. And our worship times have been warm and meaningful and God-honoring. And that’s all just fun!

So…you know what that means. Satan can’t stand it when our little church does what we are supposed to do and says what we are supposed to say where we are supposed to be, right? So, you can just expect him to attack. But remember, Ephesians 6 says that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces that we can’t see or fully understand and are stronger than we are by ourselves. But we know that we can do all things – including stand against the devil’s attacks – in the strength that God gives us. (Philippians 4:13 paraphrase)

So, keep up the good work, my dear family and I will see you Sunday! I love you all! — Todd


And…here we are! On the verge of another Vacation Bible School at Christ Fellowship! Crafts, Storytime, singing, and (my favorite) snacks! I think we’re ready. We will decorate and prep the building this evening. Preparations have been made for food and fun. Bible stories are prepared and teachers are going to try to sleep tonight before it all starts at 9 am tomorrow. But, why? Why do we do all this? It’s a hassle. It’s a lot of work. We don’t know if there will be 2 kids or 200. Nobody is getting paid and most of the teachers work full time jobs elsewhere. Why do they do it?

Deuteronomy 6 (talking about the biblical Law) says to impress it on the children. It says to teach them “so that your children and their children after them may fear the Lord your God.” The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9) and where else do children today get taught how to have wisdom? Plenty of places will teach them that boys can be girls and that everybody lives together before marriage but who is teaching wisdom?

Our teachers are these kids’ biggest fans. They want nothing but the best for them and want them to have what we adults have and that is a life-changing relationship with God through His Son Jesus. That’s why we do it. We want them to have peace and joy in this life but mainly we want them to know for sure that they will share with Jesus all the good things Heaven has to offer. It’s not church. It’s not religion. It’s about a relationship with Him.

So, bring on those crumb-crunching rugrats! I can’t wait! 

What we need…

This is just a reminder that our food pantry at Christ Fellowship is running very low. We had some donations lately but we have had quite a few people in need come to our pantry. And that’s good. I’m glad to belong to a church that helps people and their physical needs. It’s a great way to show the love of God to the people God has called us to. So, if you have the opportunity, please grab a few things to share with those who don’t have as much. The popular things are (remember, not everybody is able to cook) peanut butter and jelly, bread, milk, hot dogs, buns, meat, mac n cheese, soup, rice, beans, chili, etc. There is also need for toiletries and TP and paper towels and such.

Thanks so much and I can’t wait to see you Sunday morning and evening! I love you all! — Todd


In Luke 6, Jesus said, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” Ugh! Is that not the hardest thing in the world to do?  He said to pray for them. I’d like to pray for some of my enemies like David did sometimes. You know what I mean? Like in Psalm 58 where David prayed that God would “break the teeth in their mouth!”

But we aren’t supposed to pray like that, are we? Are we???

Let’s look at it closer this Sunday at Christ Fellowship at 10am and 6pm. I can’t wait. This should be fun! I love you all! — Todd