Well, Vacation Bible School was a raging success in my opinion. We had lots of kids, some good responses and everybody pitched in and worked really hard. Thank you again to all the teachers and helpers who worked so hard to make it all happen. That’s good stuff!
We also have had quite a few of you to make VERY generous donations to our food pantry and we have helped more people here lately than usual. I wish y’all could be here to see how grateful people are to get some good food with no strings attached. I’m afraid there are people in our community who would have literally gone hungry if not for our food pantry. So, thank y’all for donating!
We have also had several first-time visitors lately who will probably be back. And our worship times have been warm and meaningful and God-honoring. And that’s all just fun!
So…you know what that means. Satan can’t stand it when our little church does what we are supposed to do and says what we are supposed to say where we are supposed to be, right? So, you can just expect him to attack. But remember, Ephesians 6 says that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces that we can’t see or fully understand and are stronger than we are by ourselves. But we know that we can do all things – including stand against the devil’s attacks – in the strength that God gives us. (Philippians 4:13 paraphrase)
So, keep up the good work, my dear family and I will see you Sunday! I love you all! — Todd