I love a good story. And nobody could tell a story like Jesus. He used stories or what we call parables to help illustrate truths He was telling. And sometimes He used them to conceal some truth from people He knew wouldn’t accept it. So, we at Christ Fellowship spent 6-7 weeks studying those parables but this Sunday we will start a new study. This Sunday, we will start to look at the attributes of God through the big, fun stories of the scripture. And this Sunday we will see the creativity of God in Genesis chapter 1.
Do you want to have all your questions answered about how and why God created everything including dinosaurs and cavemen and the “leviathan”? Yea, that’s not gonna happen. But you will hopefully come away with a new appreciation of the creativity that God has and how we, made in His image, also are given creativity.
Don’t forget to set your clocks forward this Saturday night and I will see you at 10 am Sunday morning and 6 pm that evening. I love you all! — Todd