Let’s talk about Thanksgiving and the holidays once again. As you know, Christ Fellowship will celebrate Thanksgiving this Sunday with a potluck meal right after morning worship. This is gonna be so good! We have some really good cooks in our church and there is always a feast. So, bring a friend and bring whatever you want to share to eat or drink. If you aren’t a good cook, then bring some ice or rolls or something. That’s what my family usually tells me. “Oh Todd, you bring really good ice.” Hmm, ok. We will have no evening service this Sunday. And you don’t have to bring anything to stay and eat with us. There is always plenty!
Then, December 11 we will have our big 10-year anniversary and Christmas celebration. That’ll be a party! You don’t want to miss that.
Also, December 17th, we will go caroling (weather permitting) through the Chico neighborhoods. We have done this before and it’s always a great time. This year we want to let Chico know who we are so we will make it a big deal.
I can’t wait to see you there Sunday at 10! I love all of you! — Todd