One year

Isaiah 43 tells us to forget the former things because God is doing a new thing in our lives. He is making a way where we have never been before. Change can be scary but there is great peace in being obedient to what God calls us to do. And Christ Fellowship knows that very well. One year ago today was our last day in Lake Bridgeport and it was a scary time. But look how God has provided. Almost everybody made the move over to Chico with us and since then we have gained new members and we continue to have guests as members tell friends and co-workers about our church. We have seen new believers. We have made new friends and had more opportunities to minister through our food pantry than ever before. We continue ministering to the poor, the addicted and the incarcerated like we always have and God continues to bless and protect.

So, Sovereign Lord, we continue to give you our church as your bride. We continue to give you our time and talents and treasure. We continue to try to make you look good in everything we do and say and ask, God, that you would help us to give you all the glory for all the good things you do for us. And, Lord, in the days to come that are scary and uncertain, we trust you because you have proven yourself to be trustworthy! Over and over, year after year, you protect and provide and we just want to say thank you and we love you! In Jesus’ name, Amen

— Todd