I dunno lots of things

We live in a crazy, mixed-up world today and there is not much hope that it straightens itself out any time soon. People are confused about which political candidates to support, what causes they should get behind, who to boycott and when to complain and when to leave it alone. Some people are really confused and don’t even know which bathroom to use or how to define the word “woman.”

Satan loves it when people are confused but God is the God of peace, not confusion (1 Co. 14:33) and while He could possibly call you to go deeper into the mud and mire of politics and social justice at some point in time, He wants you to know that you know that you know some things. And before you go any further in this world or deeper into what is right and what is wrong, know this for sure: God loves you and will forgive you of everything every time. All you have to do is ask and repent.

Karl Menninger said, “If I could convince patients in psychiatric hospitals that they were forgiven, 75% would walk out the next day.” What is your forgiveness worth? To God, your forgiveness was worth sending His Son to die so you wouldn’t have to pay that price. For you, your forgiveness should be worth your worship to the God who loves you. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” There are a lot of things I don’t know. I don’t know how prayer works or how God is three-in-one or why God puts up with me or what happened to the dinosaurs or what bait to use to catch bass. I don’t know. But I know that God loves me and forgives me and that brings me such peace! Thank you, Lord! And I can’t wait to worship Him with you, my church family, this Sunday – Palm Sunday – at 10 am. I love you all! — Todd

Grief and Joy

The world seems a little colder, darker and harsher today than it did. Some things just don’t matter like they used to. Almost everything is different or at least quieter and while my house maybe cleaner, it is sadder. Sara’s last vet visit was last week because of heart problems and Bo had his last visit this week to stop his physical pain. And, yes, they were just dogs and I completely understand that this does not compare to you losing your spouse or your child. I hate that for you. I don’t know that pain and my loss does not equal yours. And if you are not a “dog person” then you won’t understand my pain and that’s okay.

My dogs were my constant companions for over fifteen years and all they ever wanted was to be where I was whether that was in the car, in the church or in the bathroom. 🙂 😊 They went more places, met more people and saw more sights than most dogs and attended more church services than most people. I’ve had dogs all my life but Bo and Sara were special and were gifts from God that helped get me through many other losses in my life and so I am most grateful to have had them but it makes losing them especially painful.

But in this pain, I have the peace of God that passes all my understanding. I am forever grateful for my friends and family that have prayed for that peace for me and I don’t understand how people go through grief without it. I can’t comprehend how people get through life without a relationship with God through His Son Jesus nor do I understand how you get through without a church family to help you. I’m so grateful for mine. Thank you, Lord, and thank you, Christ Fellowship.

I’ll close by hijacking the words of Habakkuk in chapter 3 where he says, “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls,

And no dogs in the church! 18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior!

19 The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer. He enables me to tread on the heights.”

I love you all and can’t wait to see you Sunday morning at 10.


The key to peace

If you do an online search for Bible verses that bring peace, there are probably thousands that will show up. The Bible is full of encouragement when we are having a rough time. You have your favorites. I have mine and nobody is more right or more wrong at all. Thank you, Lord, for your wonderful book of encouragement and conviction!

This morning I was reminded of a passage that brought me peace in Acts chapter 12. It’s probably not one that any of us go to regularly for peace in and of itself but the story brings me great peace because it reminds me of Christ Fellowship. In Acts 12, Peter has been put in prison but we don’t see him pacing the floor or crying or cussing. What’s he doing? He’s sound asleep.

How could Peter possibly be asleep at a time like this? He was chained between two guards and was probably scheduled to be executed the next morning and ol’ Pete was working on his beauty rest! How could he do that, you ask? Because in verse 5 it says that the church was earnestly praying for him. That was the secret to Peter’s peace.

I honestly do not know how people get through this life without a church family to pray for them and encourage them and lift them up to the throne room of God when they are in time of need. What a blessing that is. And I want to say thank you to all of you who have prayed for me this week.

Most of you know I lost my sweet Princess Sara this week and, honestly, it has been awful. And I know that loss doesn’t compare to when you lost your spouse or your child. I get that. I do. That is real pain that really hurts and leaves permanent scars. But Jesus said in John 16“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

God wants you, as a true believer in Him, to have peace and we can have that peace through prayer that comes with a relationship with God through Jesus and is lived out and blessed in a church family. Thank you for praying for me, my dear family! Now, how can I pray for you today? — Todd

From Pastor Todd:

Welcome to the website for Christ Fellowship in Wise County, Texas! Our guide and model is the first church as described in scripture. Our motto is “Doing whatever it takes to lead people to a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.” We have a passion for people and a passion for Jesus and that is lived out as we are called to minister specifically to the poor, addicted and the incarcerated. As such, we don’t have any rules about what you have to wear or what you drive or how you worship. If you want to raise your hands and shout “Amen!” or if you want to sit there like a bump on a log, that’s okay with us.

In fact, we don’t really have any rules at all. We are not about rules but about relationships so if you want to wear shorts or sweats or suits, that will be fine. Just come on. I promise you will be welcomed! We have a very casual, family-style atmosphere around here. Almost all of us have pasts that we are not proud of but that makes us all the more thankful for how God has changed us and we would love to welcome you into our forgiven family.

We meet together at the church building on Sundays at 10 am and 6 pm and also Thursday nights at 7 pm for Bible study. All are welcome at any or all of those times to worship and bring glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Now live and online!

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