
As I write this, the world seems profoundly calm. As long as I don’t get on social media or turn on the TV or radio, the world seems to be at great peace. Snow continues to fall and fall and fall. The insulation of it muffles what few sounds there are. Traffic is sparse. The world looks beautiful and peaceful outside. And inside, I have two peaceful dogs (for the moment) and we all have full bellies. We have heat and water and right now all is well.

Which brings up two things: I know not everybody has this right now. And I know it won’t last. For the first thing, if you don’t have heat, water or food, please let me know. I or someone in Christ Fellowship will be glad to help you. No, I won’t go to Starbucks for you and get your daily Frenchie frappe vanilla vente squishie but I’ll make sure you have heat, water and food.

For the second thing, peace is way more than just external. Looking outside my window, everything is peaceful, but I know when some people look inside their hearts, peace seems a long way off. I know. I’ve been there. Scripture has a lot to say about finding peace and keeping it. Isaiah 26:3 says, “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” Read that verse again slowly and really let it sink in. “Perfect peace”, “trust”, “thoughts are fixed” all speak volumes. Meditate on that today and have the inner peace that matches the outer peace.

I love you all! — Todd