Things to remember…

Hello my Christ Fellowship family! Because it is Thanksgiving, I want you to remember a couple of things. First, our food pantry is running low again as you can imagine. So, when you are at the store tomorrow or Thursday, please pick up a little something extra. We are pretty well stocked on peanut butter and jelly and mac n cheese but a loaf of bread and a half gallon of milk would be great. Maybe some bologna or other lunchmeat and some sliced cheese. And I’ll be glad to meet you at the church anytime this week to put it up or you can bring it with you Sunday.

Also, remember we are not having Bible study Wednesday night because of the holiday. It will continue the Wednesday after.

And December 3rd is our Thanksgiving / anniversary celebration and we will have a big meal after the worship service. 

I love and appreciate you all! — Todd