Oh my, we have a lot for which to be thankful, don’t we? I don’t know about you, but I had a great day yesterday with my family eating and laughing and taking pictures. I’m very grateful for the family God has given me. And I am just as thankful for the church family God has given me as well. I can’t imagine having to go through life without y’all. And I can’t wait to see you all this Sunday at Christ Fellowship! It will be a special day as we will have a celebration meal after the service to celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas and our church’s twelfth anniversary all rolled into one. So, bring your favorite potluck dish with enough to share and we will enjoy the fellowship like always. Or don’t bring anything. It’ll be okay. There’s always plenty. Just stay and eat with us even if you can’t bring something. No problem. There will be no evening service so spend that extra time with your family if possible. I love you all! — Todd