This weekend!

The Bible says that after God created Eve “He brought her to the man. And Adam said, ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.’ . . . Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:22-24).

And 30 minutes later they had the world’s first argument.

Everybody needs some help in their marriage. Nobody is perfect so no marriage is perfect. Marriage is satisfying and frustrating, and they all could be a little better.

Please join us at Christ Fellowship in Chico (407 W. Kentucky) this weekend for “Compass Course: Pathway to a Godly Marriage.” This amazing and biblical look at marriage will be led by our friends Jody and Trisha Kennedy and is open to anybody. It will be beneficial if you are married, want to be or know somebody who is.

It will be Saturday (tomorrow Feb 4th) from about 10-3 and then Sunday morning at 10. Lunch will be provided Saturday so please let us know you are coming. And best of all, it’s completely FREE!

I can’t wait to see y’all there! I love you all! — Todd