Woman looking in mirror – “Honey, I look fat. Will you give me some kind of compliment?”
“Well, your vision is perfect!”
Vision. When I use the word, you may think of different things. But I’m not talking about eyesight and I’m not talking about seeing a ghost or some apparition, things you might call a vision.
Biblical vision is having God’s will revealed to you. Maybe it is through a dream (like some of the prophets) or by an angel (like Mary and others) but today we usually get God’s will revealed to us through reading the Bible. And Proverbs 29:18 says that where there is no vision, the people perish.
This coming Sunday, we will get to hear the Gideons speak and I always love it when they come to Christ Fellowship. But after that we will start a new sermon series on vision. I believe God has a vision for us as individuals and for us as a church and we need to know what that vision is.
So, I pray that you will join your family at church this Sunday ready to support the Gideons and ready to start talking about God’s vision for our church. Your church needs you and you need the church! I love you all! — Todd